Fantastic art!
But the tone is all over the place. Senseless violence is fun when justified. Here we had two bad guys, being uncomfortable, killing innocents. No danger. No consequences. No meaning. And what's really important - no punishment. The thing with antiheroes is that we should see them suffer or they should have some likable traits. Instead we got Happy Tree Friends, Always Sunny or our own original Madness series, but without any interest in the characters, and the characters serve no overall purpose. The whole story felt like a joke that went on for so long that it forgot its punchline.
Plus when we've established that they're assholes, we can predict all the individual punchlines, soooo all the jokes fall flat now. That's bad.
A meets B. They fight. A wins. - that's a story, but it's a bad story. Gimme reasons, make me care, I'm not 15 anymore, I'm getting old here.