Hitchhiker, game developer, adventurer. Come for the emotional roller-coaster, stay for the bridge burning!
- Level:
- 25
- Exp Points:
- 6,678 / 6,940
- Exp Rank:
- Vote Power:
- 6.67 votes
- Rank:
- Safety Patrol
- Global Rank:
- Blams:
- 69
- Saves:
- 274
- B/P Bonus:
- 6%
- Trophies:
- 11
- Medals:
- 552
- Supporter:
- 7y 11m 2d
Game Trophies
Daily 5th Place
Monthly 5th Place
Daily 3rd Place
Monthly 5th Place
Daily Feature
Monthly 2nd Place
Daily 5th Place
Weekly 5th Place
Best of the Month